Thursday, December 31, 2009


It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year It's the new year it's the new year

...Now what?


...Is in 2 hours. Let's review the year 2009, events possibly not in order:
Freezing to death in Florida,
returning from Florida,
random hailstorms in April,
Jackie visiting in August,
Keilee's slumber party where I met Britney,
the vast amounts of Vampires-And-They-Burn-No-They-Sparkle debates that led to a couple of arguments,
the camping trip where Britney Had (Has) Pants,
going away for 28 excruciating days to Florida,
getting exiled from the pop-up camper (grr),
returning home to the Halloween of Ice,
staying home for the Halloween of Ice because it was 40 degrees,
complaining about anything and everything,
the Christmas Party at Suzette's house,
Keilee getting a DS,
us getting a Wii,
it actually snowing in December,
birthdays, sunnydays, snow days (three of them), wanna-slay-the-Burdle days, and DO NOT MAKE ME LIVE ANOTHER SECOND days. Most of them during the 28 days of Exile Florida.


They're Taking EVERYTHING

Disney's taking over everything.
They just got Marvel Entertainment.
Next thing you know, there's gonna be little Mickeys dressed as Wolverine in Disney World.
And Britney will have pants.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


We made a gingerbread house today. And it stood for about fifteen minutes. Then the roof slid off and all of the candies decorating it went droop. And now the little house has been eaten.
Poor house.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Days until Next Halloween

Since the timer thing is still not working, these are the days until next Halloween, which if we miss again a certain mother of mine is going to have one unhappy child.
328 days, 58 minutes, and 28 seconds.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

40 posts or so

This is my 42nd blog post so far.
I've almost caught up with one of my fri
end's blog post count of 50.
I don't know if I should stop write here or type faster...
Pun intended.

What everyone in the house is doing right now

Parents: Both asleep.
Jake: Watching the X-Men Origins Wolverine thing... again.
Burdle: ... is insane.
Chan: is managing to blog and play Webkinz, which I got to work on dial-up, at the same time.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Behold, my brother

So I introduced Burdle to the Webkinz world about a month ago.
He went even deeper into insanity.
Now he wants a Googles, which is something resembling a platypus. We've (Burdle & I) been searching the Internet for the past hour trying to find out how long a Googles is so it can fit in his stocking, which was once the largest one in the house until Mom got him a new one which is now the smallest.
We've also been experimenting with helium balloons. Here is the finished thingy whatchamacallit.
To lift:
A small, light ornament: 3 balloons
A pencil: 2 balloons
A wooden ornament: 2 balloons
A Jacob: 100 balloons (estimated)
A soda can: Ben can't get the balloons to tie together.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Well, this is getting infrustrigating.
Apparently the comments pages aren't working. So the stupid dial-up says I've posted comments even though they don't show up.
Oh, and my little brother Burdle turned ten yesterday. GREAT! Now he's just one year younger than me until next year. I don't think this means anything. Other than the fact he's gonna need a new nickname soon. And he's still as annoying as he usually is.
Jake got Munchkin Quest in the mail today, too. Not going to say anything else or that might be copyright infringement or however you spell it.

rugirhuishduglnfjvlkjxkclnsjdagbuiewhfio;dn kvlsdjlbvjuidalhgurehuiflwejflndsl vnjxld JvbdufiuiwelhF JDLSBVUFEFHdjgidhsbuifbjslbdjl cvnjsdahuwfhuewhufhrieohgn
(translation: This message cannot be translated. So there.)

Friday, November 13, 2009


It's the thirteenth. And it's a Friday. This is supposed to mean good things. But I'll be hiding and waiting for a meteor to squash me and not harm the rest of the planet. I have good luck just when I don't need it. (goes into somewhere with white walls and isn't coming out)

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Intelligence of Robin vs. The Stupidity of Batman

Right now we're watching the really old Batman movie made in 1966. So far, I have made a list.

The stupid ones:

The intelligent ones:
EE (everyone else)

And then there's the riddles (and Robin's answers that somehow make sense)

What does a turkey flying backwards do?
Gobble up
What weighs six pounds, sits in a tree and is very dangerous?
A sparrow with a machine gun!
Conclusion: I think it was birds shall rule the world

What's yellow and writes?
A ballpoint banana
What are people in a hurry?
Conclusion: A Russian will slip on a banana peel and break her neck!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Success of the day

Today is apparently my aunt Erin's birthday, so we went to a bowling alley.
Today I have
  1. gone bowling
  2. was terrible at it until they put up those little gates that block off the gutters
  3. got a strike
  4. listened to Hannah Montana (wanting to throw a bowling ball at the radio if it wouldn't dislocate something)(and cost three million plus dollars)
  5. almost suffocated on birthday cake which was 90% icing and 10% cake
  6. now I am sore because ever try throwing an 8 pound weight at some pins for 2 hours straight?

The last time I went to a bowling alley, I was 4 years old and had to sit in a little room with 6 thousand other toddlers and watch Barney the Dinosaur. And I got stuck in one of those little red cars. Big suprise! NOBODY CARED. So while I tried to escape from the straitjacket car, which had fallen over sideways, Burdle was... I don't know where Burdle was. Maybe he had posessed the car, which we managed to cram 5 kids in and onto.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Brainwash the World!

We DID lose in Roll the Dice! We always get to one of the two last numbers and then we LOSE.
At least Keilee got somewhere.
Then we went to the park and to Aldi's with my friend Emily and then we ended up taking Emily home with us.
But in Aldi's, according to Emily there's thermal underwear. And then for the rest of the day we came up with plans to brainwash the world to
desire thermal underwear
desire thermal underwear
desire thermal underwear.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We're gonna lose again.

We're going to the Skate Castle tommorrow.
I bet 5 dollars we're gonna lose again in Roll The Dice.
Explainations later.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Llama llama.
Llama llama llama llama-
Llama llama.
Llama llama llama llama-
This is getting boring.
I'm going to go destroy Blackpool Pleasure Beach.
Not being literal.
I mean virtually.
Or maybe I'll go broke buying DS games and refund them all a second later.
Maybe I should change my blog layout.

Computer games

Have got to be the hardest kind. Either that or I stay up too late playing them because they're that hard.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Brother's Idea. Not mine.

Come to think of it, is any idea mine?

But my younger brother wants me to post a memoir of Cricky.

"It was a cricket.
It was squashed.
It's ghost haunts my nose."

I'm done now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I worry too much


Welcome to my planet. In the mornings I sleep till ten. Then I try to get my younger brother to shut up. This so far has led to somebody storming into the other room. Then I eat and try to get said brother to shut up again.
Repeat until sundown, when we train for our superhero mission in Honolulu, and that's when somebody ends up kicking said brother, who is also a smart aleck. And he makes painfully good points. Grrr.

Just for good measure!

Just for good measure,
Another list of stupid questions!
  1. Why do I make lists?
  2. How can you beat a video game in 10.56 seconds?
  3. What is the purpose of life other than 42 or 11?
  4. Will time travel NOT ruin everything?
  5. When will the oceans turn to yogurt?
  6. What flavor will the yogurt be?
  7. Or will it be tapioca pudding?
  8. Should I stop now?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We may never know

To all of those who are wondering why I never post poems and all of that,
Actually that's because I'm still trying to figure out a reason. Shrug.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy halloween

Or it would be if it wasn't 43 degrees outside. We'll all freeze. So I'm stuck here rather than There.
I went into the woods today and the stream is running about 30 miles an hour. There's a hill across from it, and I decided, "oh, why not," and started walk/climbing up it. And at the top...
...There's a pasture with about ten or so cows in it. And either a rabbit or a large chihuahua. Well, I'd been expecting something along the lines of 1) another hill 2) a cliff, or 3) A PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION, or even better, a lake, but no. All I get is a barbed wire fence, a rabbit dog, some cows and an almost 90 degree angled hill. So I walk/fall back down the darned hill, get to the bottom, make an arrow out of dead, damp sticks pointing up the hill so I know where the newly eroded trail is, cross the stream, get lost because I can't find the trail from our pasture to the woods, climb up another hill, find another pasture, get lost trying to get back from THERE, find a nine-foot tall cliff which, if I fell off of, would send me into the creek which is five inches deep, run from there, find the trail, get about a hundred feet from the trailhead, sit down on a log, which breaks, get back home, where I find out I'd spent less than an hour in the woods, also find out we're all going to FREEZE for said reasons.
Nothing is continuing to operate.
That and the movies Mom rented are going to kill me.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stupid Intersnail.

I have a name for dial-up internet.
We have the InterSnail.
Here's a list.
  1. InterSnail
  2. My computer
  3. Common Sense
  4. the Wi-Fi at Starbucks
  5. The UNIVERSE!!!!

How to make something electronic work:

  1. Argue with it.
  2. Yell at it.
  3. Push the power button until it submits.
  4. Turn into a dinosaur, stomp it into bits and evolve into a bird who doesn't care.
  5. Change the batteries.
  6. Pay 200$+ for somebody else to fix it.
  7. Get a new one.
  8. Beg it to work.
  9. Shake the screen until something happens.
  10. Give up and come back later.
  11. Read the user manual.

Chances of this working:

  1. Nothing will happen.
  2. Nothing will happen.
  3. It'll fix it.
  4. Great! You broke it.
  5. You'll do something wrong and it'll break it.
  6. Great! You broke it.
  7. You'll go broke.
  8. It'll fix it.
  9. Great! You broke it.
  10. It'll fix it.
  11. You'll die crazy and bored because it took so long and you still don't know how to fix the thing.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Why do I try?

see more Epic Fails

Provided this works (which I know it will not why do I try)

My mind went into overdrive today.

List of stupid questions nobody knows the answers to:
  1. Is the Cat in the Hat's hat red with white stripes or white with red stripes?
  2. WHO IS THEY?!
  3. Will a Fur Real animal eat my soul?
  4. Is it possible to replace the batteries in a Kid's Meal toy without A. Killing yourself or B. Destroying something or C. Becoming radioactive and King Kong Jr.?
  5. Is it raining?
  6. How do you get your brother out of a room that is technically not yours but you don't want him sticking around anyhow?
  7. How do you tell if you're about to slay the end boss but there's no health meters but your own?
Answers will be rewarded with 30-day bragging rights and lack of acupoketure if requested.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

THERE. Finally, something should happen!
(Caption on top of picture: Archeolocat is an archeoligist cat. I didn't spell that right. Oh well.

This is not working.

Okay. Obviously that did not work. Let me try this again...
Nope. Nothing. And again...
Grr. I give up.


There should be a picture of a cat on this. If not, I did not do it right. If yes, then Jake and I made it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Chandler says
And good
Night 'cos I'm gonna
Die if I
Live any Long

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Greetings from Florida!
Starbucks is the most frustrating place for an internet connection,
nothing I packed actually matches,
the no-see-ums are going to devour me alive,
the campsite smells terrible,
the ocean stole my bracelet,
it looks like it's gonna rain,
the stupid Eee PC can't find the internet,
I only have 32 dollars which could be spent on a DS game provided they actually cost less than 29.99,
I think I saw a shark,
the internet time expires in about 3 minutes,
and I'm
This is infrustrigatingly boredicalityationlike, that's pronounced IN-fruss-ting-gate-ing-lee-board-ee-cale-eat-ee-ay-tea-one-like.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No Reason

This post has been made so I have fourteen posts now, rather than thirteen. Now my blog is
lucky (er)!
-CMC, or as most may call me, Kiki A. R.
Mom bought me some paints a few days ago, eighteen little paint pots in a set and a watercolors tray, each with a paintbrush. I have been painting little pictures on small rectangles of thick paper, I've made a painting of some sort of fairy princess thing, a thank you card with flowers that do not exist that have strangely shaped petals painted on, and I am working on a picture of Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet.

I found out it's much easier to paint when the paints are newer and the brush isn't frayed. This makes me sound very stupid, doesn't it?

In case you did not notice, I have decided to be a bit more creative with my blog posts. This means
things like that.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

For The Later Readers

To those who did not notice:
I changed my blog!
It was called "Usdom".
But considering how it is a simple Me...
It did not make sense.
And a friend of mine said I was a traitor because she and I have already
Made Usdom into a play and such and I made the blog's title anyway
Without notice or consent.
I changed the title.
The blog's website address should still say Usdom.
And Little Colored Fairy Lights are what are in my room right now.
They are pretty.

First How To of the Blog

My little brother has successfully created about sixteen or so balloon dogs, and they are everywhere. Some of them include: Mr. Niffy, Spotty, green ones with tiny bodies and huge tails, yellow ones with long limp noses, and a peach one with three sets of legs rather than two.

To make a Balloon Dog:
  1. Blow up one of those really long balloons and tie the end. It does not matter which end is the nose.
  2. Near the end of the balloon you wish to use as a nose, take a bit of the balloon and bend it in half, then twist the half. You should have something which looks somwhat like ears.
  3. About five inches down the balloon will be the front legs. Bend this in half and twist. The larger the section you bend, the larger the legs will be.
  4. Choose another section and bend and twist that. The further apart the legs, the longer the body.
  5. The bit after the back legs is the tail.
  6. With a Sharpie marker, draw eyes and mouth onto the head. You can also draw on other stuff, like a leash or a little shirt. Naturally, it is very unwise to pin anything to the dog.
  7. Write the dog's name on it's body if you want to, and if you made the body long enough.
  8. Once I have Broadband internet, I'll post a Vlog showing you how to make a balloon animal, since these instructions are very complicated.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hm. I'm stuck.

Yeah. I am stuck. I can't really think of anything to type.

Well, about a week ago I climbed a really tall tree to the top and ran out of tree and got back down, and then today I played some online with our slow internet, and then I wrote some e-mails and now I am sitting at a computer typing away while the clock says 12:26 AM. Night owl, I'm a night owl.

Friday, August 14, 2009


  1. Webkinz!
  2. You can't type what you want to say.
  3. The Employment Office is unfair.
  4. Everything is scary expensive.
  5. I don't think the Gem of the Day can be found.
  6. Fifteen full days of classes at the Acadamey before you can take recess?
  7. The Daily Question at Quizzy's is really easy.
  9. How do you play Wacky's Bingoz?
  10. Was there ever a Wishing Well 1?
  11. Everything takes forever to load on Dial-Up.
I rest my case.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

the shortest entry ever

Okay. Lots of sun + no sunscreen = sunburn. There. Math!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

All in Homeschooling

And whaddya know! Now we're leaving for another trip tomorrow. Unlike schoolers, we get to go on vacation anytime we want!

Ben has an ear infection but this is the last day he needs eardrops. After that, he should be cured! Yay!

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Song

Some of my friends and I have recorded a song. I won't type down the lyrics because then it would make sense. They have something to do with a carrot. That, and I forgot the lyrics. Bad memory.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Okay, so, I am VERY tired, and covered in various scratches from the sliding rocks in South Carolina, and I have a scratch on my wrist shaped just like a shark's tooth.

Like I said, I'm tired. Here's a picture of us on the trip.
Back to front: Emily, me, and Britney.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

See Ya Later!

I won't be blogging anything for quite a while, on account of we're going to TN and some other states with friends! Muhaha! Catch ya later!

Well, here is our schedule.
9:30- Sleep.
3:00 Friday morning- Wake up an' GO!!
Various times and days until next Thursday- Have fun and go crazy.
Thursday: Return.
Next few days onward- Resume normal, boring life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have an idea for some sort of coin-sorting thing. It's a tower, about as tall as a computer tower, with seperate sections for pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters. There's two openings, one in the front and one in back, for each section. You put the coins in the back of the sections of the tower, and when you need a penny, dime, nickel, or quarter, you go to the front of the tower, and open it, and it dispenses, one coin at a time.

I also have plans for a heated towel and the everlasting cereal box, though I know that won't ever happen. Besides, if everybody had an everlasting cereal box, then that might be the only thing anybody eats, and that would end disasterously.

Monday, May 4, 2009


One thing I cannot live without: CHOCOLATE!!!
It's full of-er, I think they're antioxidants or something- which is good, and they come in five million billion varieties- dark, milk, cherry, white, and so fourth. Thank you, Incans! (they had chocolate where Europe didn't! That counts for something! And they had tomatoes, and potatoes, and pineapple, and popcorn, and avacado, and...)
Anyhow, I for one could not live without chocolate. That's the base of what I'm saying.
To end this post, I'll just say that Dad needs the Internet (Dial-up- UGH) and I'm off to write The Girl Who Adventured The Well Of Time. It's a bit slow at the beginning, I'm at the part where Audrey, the main character, goes to the Well of Time with a flashlight and cupcakes in hand...-CMC

Welcome To My World!

Welcome to my world! My name is Chan, but call me CMC for short, if you like. I like writing and reading, photography, and so fourth. I'm writing a story called The Girl Who Adventured Through the Well Of Time right now. I know, long title. I'm on the fourth page.
I own two dogs and two goats, five cats, and four Guinea pigs. They're so cute! They adore apples.
That finishes my basic introduction! Check in often to see what else I've decided to tell the world!