Monday, November 2, 2009

Just for good measure!

Just for good measure,
Another list of stupid questions!
  1. Why do I make lists?
  2. How can you beat a video game in 10.56 seconds?
  3. What is the purpose of life other than 42 or 11?
  4. Will time travel NOT ruin everything?
  5. When will the oceans turn to yogurt?
  6. What flavor will the yogurt be?
  7. Or will it be tapioca pudding?
  8. Should I stop now?


  1. 1. Boredom.
    2. Cheatcodes, dear girl. Cheatcodes.
    3. To have fun in the process of screwing everything up. ^^
    4. Nope. We're all gonna die.
    5. ...42!
    6. Vanilla or strawberry-kiwi.
    7. Well, as you said, nothing works. So maybe, maybe not.
    8. Naw, these things keep me on my toes.

  2. Strawberry-kiwi is a flavor?
    ...another list of pointless questions is plotted...
