Friday, November 6, 2009

Brainwash the World!

We DID lose in Roll the Dice! We always get to one of the two last numbers and then we LOSE.
At least Keilee got somewhere.
Then we went to the park and to Aldi's with my friend Emily and then we ended up taking Emily home with us.
But in Aldi's, according to Emily there's thermal underwear. And then for the rest of the day we came up with plans to brainwash the world to
desire thermal underwear
desire thermal underwear
desire thermal underwear.


  1. Okay. That is where I draw the line.
    I mean, seriously??? Thermal llama socks???
    (Mutters,) next thing you know, you're going to sell biscuit flavored shoes.
    And I'll have pants.

  2. Special offer at the Chandler's Thingsyoullneverneed store.
    Pie flavored shoes and shoe flavored pie.
    Only a million dollars in pennies and your home in Wyoming.

  3. Oooooooh, the purple/yellow/green looks really goor together. *starts tinking about sock patterns*
    Chandler, my dear, you are a geneous.
    Mwah. :*

  4. Neat.
    Also at Thingsyoullneverneed store.
    Radio controlled peanut butter jars without remotes. And gumdrops with tiny wheels.
