Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Wizard of Paws Chapters 3-4

We Return To Kansas, And Another Cyclone Strikes 

"EM! EM!" Uncle Henry shouted. "What?! I'm right here--" Auntie Em shouted back, running out of the second cabin she and Uncle Henry had built after the cyclone. She stopped suddenly when she saw what Uncle Henry was pointing to. "Oh, my god! She's done it again!" Auntie Em said, motioning to the riverbed which was now quite full of water. "The brat's run off again and she's taken another house with her!" "NO! I'm pointing at that!" Uncle Henry shouted over the rising winds. Another cyclone was on the horizon. "OH!" Auntie Em said, and and then she ran for the storm shelter, with Uncle Henry right behind her. 

A long time passed. When the cyclone had gone through, Auntie Em and Uncle Henry cautiously lifted the door to the storm shelter and looked around. The first things they said:
Uncle Henry: Wow. 
Auntie Em: She came back for the other cabin!
Indeed, where the second cabin should have been was vacant. "Now, Em," Uncle Henry said. "You can't go around, blamin' everything on Dorothy." "Well," Auntie Em said, matter-of-fact-ly, "I'll have you know that when you run away in a cyclone, bring the house with you, and come back talkin' nonsense about some land called Oz, I ain't gonna be trustin'--" she picked up a dishtowel and threw it at Uncle Henry-- "-you. Now where are we gonna sleep, cuz no way am I gonna stay in that teensy little shelter again!"


"A Moglin," Queenie was trying to explain to Dorothy, "is a small, creme-filled pastry with a flaky crust." "Oh really?" Dorothy said. "It sounded more like a little red--" "HUSH!" Loco shouted from wherever he was. "Know you not of 'copyright infringement'?!" "No?" Dorothy said, to which Loco replied "you'd better get going, or else this story isn't going to get very far." "Story?" Queenie asked. "What story? All I see here is a lovely little Terrier Town, and--" "Oh, that's what the place is called!" Dorothy interrupted, for she had been pondering the name of the village she was in for quite awhile.  "Ahem. Ah, yes, that's what this place is called. Terrier Town. Yes, yes." Queenie muttered, thinking. Then she called for Checkers, who bounded up to Dorothy's feet and said, "Queenie has asked that I travel with you, Dory." "It's Dorothy, not Dory!" Dorothy shouted, offended. "All the same, Dory," Checkers said, and since then followed Dorothy everywhere. "NOW, no more dilly-dallying and to business!" Queenie barked, and every Scottish terrier in Terrier Town, including Loco, gathered around. "Now, Dorothy," Queenie said. "Why are you here?" "Oh, I dunno," Dorothy answered. "My Auntie Em and Uncle Henry made me camp outside, and I decided to pitch the tent in the riverbed, and that night it stormed--" "And you got washed downstream 500 miles to The Land of Paws," Loco finished dismissively. "Go on." Dorothy shot Loco a look, and then continued. "Then, as soon as  I got here, my dog, Toto, ran off and I can't find him." "Won't he come when you call?" Queenie asked. Dorothy thought this over for a second or two. "What makes you think I trained him?" One of the dogs sighed, and another muttered, "humans truly are idiots." "'EY! Just get me back home, to Kansas ASAP!" Dorothy screamed, truly mad at all of the canines present. "Okay, okay. Walk along the road paved with yellow sticks and you'll reach the Emerald-Rock-Candy City, where our great ruler, Paws, lives. Complain of all of your troubles to him, and then he'll solve 'em." Queenie instructed. "You'll go through many dangerous lands, some of them potentially fatal if you're dumb enough." Then Queenie licked Dorothy on the ankle. "There. With the kiss of the Good Witch of the North, nothing can harm you." "Thank you," Dorothy said hurriedly, wanting to get going and GET OUT OF HERE, also not surprised that Queenie was a witch, and also having rather serious deja vu. "Come on, Checkers." She said, stopping by the tent, which some of the terriers had dragged onto the riverbank, to pick up a backpack with enough food in it to last a weekend. Then she set off down the road, with Checkers at her side and a rather large desire for a pair of sneakers. 

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