Saturday, May 8, 2010

Baking stuff

While Dorothy and her companions walk on towards Paws, I think I'll take a break from story.

This morning I decided to bake something and hopefully not burn it/flavor it like cardboard. So I went into the kitchen and spent who-knows-how-long making cinnamon muffins.

Apparently using enough canola spray to injure a lesser mortal to grease the muffin tin really helps.

And also if you fill the muffin tins only about a quarter of the way full, then bake the muffins for about 7 minutes, they come out looking like little pies.

And then if you dip the muffin tops in melted butter, then in a mixture of a 1/3 cup of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon, it makes the muffins look even more like pies, because then they look toasty.

I served the 12 muffin-pies to my innocent family, and they ate them and they didn't suffer any negative side effects from all of the butter required to make them. This is a very good thing. When I made orange cookies about a year ago, they burned and tasted like orange peels. Then Britney and I made Summer Fruit Smushle using enough powdered sugar to knock a dog unconscious, and Emily and I made icing that was the color of slime/wet cement...

Jacob's Song of the Week (possibly becoming the Song of the Month now) is coming very, very, very soon.

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