Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Wizard of Paws chapter 20

The End (of the castle) part II

"Sagrado cuadrúpedo mamífero que se encuentra en los pastos!" Cried Destiny. "What?" Asked Checkers. "It's Italian; this really isn't the time to ask questions!" Dorothy said, guessing the language randomly. "Werren, stay out of the way!" 

What had happened during the last 15 days (other than cleaning the castle) was basically this:
Werren had gotten the most part of his sight back, and he could now identify people he knew.
Dorothy had gotten around to fixing three and a half doors in the castle. 
Destiny had, on a random impulse, decided to learn Spanish, mostly for the purpose of alternative swearing. It's not known how she actually found the resources to do this. 
Checkers had started some sort of secret society with three other dogs--Ralphie, a miniature dauchsund;  Allie, a golden retriever; and Koo-koo-ca-choo, a Scottish terrier with what appeared to be a walrus mustache. The society, "The League of Ordinary Gentle Dogs",  was no longer secret when, in the second meeting, Checkers asked the members to advertise because "it's boring with only four members". 
Then, on the 14th day, the four  brave adventurers finally found where The Witch was. 

At the moment, The Witch of the West had sent her best guards at Destiny, Dorothy, Checkers, and Werren. Werren, being able to see very little, was still able to fly around and attack at least one out of the ten guards. Checkers was running around, too fast for the guards to catch. Dorothy was trying to get to the room where the Witch was, and Destiny tried to stay out of the way, due to her inability to fight. "We're outnumbered!" Shouted Werren, floating to the ceiling. "Oh, really, now?" Checkers called back sarcastically, swiping a guard in the face and running away. "A little help, here?" Destiny squeaked. "Cover me!" Dorothy shouted, unnecessarily,  as she found a door and ran into the room behind it, which turned out to be a storage closet full of cat food. "That's horrifically odd," Dorothy muttered to herself as she quickly left. 
Meanwhile, The Witch had given up on her original ten guards, which were highly promoted Tiddlywinks, and had instead deployed her army of twenty cats, all highly skilled warriors. Destiny was being held at clawpoint by a Siamese cat, who was trying to get her to say what the Great Paws looked like. "I dunno...he was a giant rubber duck?" Destiny said randomly. "That is insane!" Said the Siamese cat, hissing. Destiny flinched. "The Master wishes to know what the Great Paws looks like so she may launch an attack on him! The Reign of Dogs has lasted long enough! We cats shall--" Before the cat could finish, Werren pounced on him and boxed his ears. "Youch! That's hardly fair! HELP!" "Never! Dogs are the rightful rulers of Paws! The land is even named after one!" Said Werren, growling. "Oi, let him go!" Shouted Checkers. "We're not trying to get anyone killed or involved in the election of world leader, here!" Werren gave the cat a final swat and flew off. 
In the meantime, Dorothy was facing the vicious Witch of the West in her throne room.  "You're a cat!" Cried Dorothy, very much surprised. Indeed the Witch was. She was a smoke Persian cat, with white stars scattered here and there in her fur. "Yes, I'm a cat. What else would I be? An eight-foot-tall Great Dane that breathes lightning?"  "Perhaps." Dorothy saw a bucket of water nearby. "Anyway, sorry, but--" And then Dorothy picked up the bucket of water and tossed it on the Witch. "Take that! Muhahaha!" Dorothy shouted, quite enjoying herself. Then the room was filled with smoke. Rather than the witch lamenting over the world and such as she melted, as the smoke cleared, where the Witch was there was a 12 foot tall raven. Dorothy nearly fainted. "HOLY FRACKING TOASTED PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICHES!!" And then she really did faint.

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